- The Bush-Zionist Global War on Terror has taken another massive hit. Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf resigned at 10am CET - 4am in Washington, DC.
- Americans can now be assured that there will be NO Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline as TAP, or the alternative version of TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) until the United States completely changes its policies towards the people of Islam. Over recent months, the Taliban have grown in strength and most of Afghanistan is now under their control.
- It took a long time for this Bush Dirty Diaper to fill up, but folks, it is now an extremely nasty one.
- Some of the British journalists are doing a very good job in analyzing this latest US imperial expansion fiasco in Georgia.
- Guardian journalist Seumas Milne has done a fine job of presenting this matter in his August 14 article.
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/aug/14/russia.georgia
- What the world just witnessed in Georgia is more US imperialism than it is Russian aggression, just as Iraq and Afghanistan are about US and Zionist Imperialism and aggression. The truth will slowly surface in the coming months that Russia acted appropriately to defend against the ethic genocide of Russian Orthodox Christians by Muslims, Zionist Israelis, mercenaries and all dreamed up and sponsored by our pretend-Christian war criminal president.
- Bush and Rice: "Russia must remove its troops from Georgia!'
- No, our war criminal president must be removed from power in Washington DC. This idiot is playing a losing game with fire and nuclear weapons. The hypocrisy of the Bush Administration has now surpassed all acceptable levels for the 21st Century.
- I think most Americans (whether they will admit it or not) know we have a war criminal sitting in the Oval Office. We have other wannabe war criminals vying to take his place in McMoron and Barky. The genocide of Iraq, Afghanistan and now South Ossetia are beyond outrageous and inhuman.
- This article is more of a history lesson rather than dissecting the current Georgia fiasco and the sheer hypocrisy that has come from the Bush White House during this Georgia confrontation.
- Long ago, there was a Medieval Kingdom of Khazaria, 652-1016 AD that included part of modern day Russia, Ukraine, and a sliver of what is now Kazakhstan. This area was somewhat interesting in history because when considering the choice of Islam, or Christianity or Judaism the leaders of this 'empire' decided to declare themselves Jewish. That was a very odd choice in an area of the world which was predominately Islam and Christian. There was little Zoroastrianism...but Jewish was essentially not on the radar.
- The Khazaria Empire could not extend any further south because the Tatars and Turkmen proved to be about as obstinate as the Afghans have been throughout history.
- The Khazarian 'Jews' are NOT descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel and their world view and lack of truly, pious spiritual Judaism have created conflict within that religion ever since.
- To a great extent, these are our current day Zionist Jews (including Neocons, of course) who have formed a world power banking, extortion cult of war and death that has little or nothing to do with being devout adherents of Judaism. These are the folks who think nothing of breaking the law, lying (Kol Nidre), stealing, graft, corruption, assassination, blackmail, extortion or destroying tens of millions of people to get their way.
- Throughout the past century, they have done just that in directly and indirectly liquidating over 100 million people. These soul- less 'reptilian' killers obey only the Talmud, not the laws of the lands they live in. This very behavior and 'ethics' appear, in fact, in the Talmud as Rabbinical teaching. Most pious Jews of good heart and conscience who follow the Torah know that such is not the way to achieve civilized, enlightened society.
- This is, in part, one of the reasons "Jew haters" have often been unable to differentiate between the truly religious descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel (the ones the Old Testament of the Bible is about) and these squatters and interlopers who came from Central Asia and have, for the most part, taken over their religion and turned it into an evil club of power manipulation, greed, money, war, death and destruction.
- Many true Torah Jews are highly-offended at the atrocities these Zionist Khazars Talmudic Jews have inflicted on mankind. From the huge massacre of Russian Christians under Zionist Bolshevik Communism, to the mass starvation holocaust of 20-30 million Ukrainians, to the creation of Nazism/fascism of World War II, to the mass slaughter of Christian Armenians, and to the current day blood-lust genocide of Iraq and Iran...these Zionist Khazars have made it abundantly clear, to the tune of over 100 million dead, that they have nothing but murderous contempt of Christians and Muslims.
- These were the Khazar Jews that many have heard about over the years but did not have a clue where they came from in the first place. The map below shows you where they came from before they infested Russia, Europe and the US.
- http://www.khazaria.com/

- Right there is the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea...the current venue of massive world tensions. The problem is not 'the Jews'...the problem is the KHAZAR Jews who are THE power behind Zionist Israel, the UK and US.
- If readers pay attention to the map below, they will clearly see that the geologic division between Europe and Central Asia (what some call Eurasia) is the Caucasus Mountain range between Russia and Georgia. Just as the Himalaya Mountains are the geologic division between the continent of Asia and the continent of India, the Caucasus Mountains separate Central Asia and Europe. Georgia is NOT Europe except in the minds of those wishing to push stupid agendas against Russia.
- Georgia was apparently never part of the Khazar empire and was predominately Christian until recent times. As of the Bush- Saakashvili fiasco with Russia, information has surfaced that Georgia is now 60% Muslim. The government is composed mostly of Muslims and Zionist Jews probably of Khazar descent. George Soros has had his greedy hands all over this fiasco just as he has over in the Ukraine. Most of what is now Ukraine used to be part of the Khazaria Empire.
- Remember: geologically and geographically speaking, Georgia is NOT part of Europe...and NATO and the EU need to reject Rothschild Zionism's charade that Georgia is anything other than a part of Eurasia or Central Asia. It is also clear that NATO and the EU both must reject NATO membership for Georgia - a predominately Muslim, non-European nation that grows steadily more under the control of Khazar Zionist US Jews and their Muslim confederates.
- What is going on in Georgia - and the constant provocation of Russia - is a formula for disaster for the United States which must somehow find leaders who can more clearly see the real agenda of the Khazarian Zionists.
- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been hinting there is another Cold War coming - one that could become very hot in seconds. In response to BushCo putting nuclear missiles on Russia's front porch (and this latest genocide of Russian Orthodox Christians in South Ossetia), Russia has responded in two ways.
- First, it recently announced it would like to refuel its long-range strategic nuclear bombers in Cuba. Second, Russia apparently plans to put nuclear missiles in the Mediterranean theater, and Syria in particular, and aim them at European strategic targets and no doubt more than a few at Zionist Israel.
- Folks, the Russian Bear has put up with all of the shit from the Zionist West it intends to tolerate.
- Georgia is a good place to set up basese to wage covert war and black ops against Russia, which is now geographically sitting on what used to be the Khazaria Empire. That is probably why there are 4,000 Israeli and Blackwater mercenaries in Georgia right now.
- It is also a convenient base to launch black ops against the Caspian Basin area to try to force more people into handing over their oil and natural gas to the US and its Zionist thugs.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasus

- The deep seated hatred of Russia by these Khazars goes back over 1,000 years when Russia crushed their empire and many of them fled to Europe into the areas now called Poland, Romania and Hungary, and Ukraine. Those who remained were under Russian rule for a while but even that changed in about 100 years time.
- <start insert>
- http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-history.html
- Decline and fall. During the 10th century, the East Slavs were united under Scandinavian overlordship. A new nation, Kievan Rus, was formed by Prince Oleg. Just as the Khazars had left their mark on other peoples, so too did they influence the Rus. The Rus and the Hungarians both adopted the dual-kingship system of the Khazars. The Rus princes even borrowed the title kagan. Archaeologists recovered a variety of Khazar or Khazar-style objects (including clothing and pottery) from Viking gravesites in Chernigov, Gnezdovo, Kiev, and even Birka (Sweden). The residents of Kievan Rus patterned their legal procedures after the Khazars. In addition, some Khazar words became part of the old East Slavic language: for example, bogatyr ("brave knight") apparently derives from the Khazar word baghatur.
- The Rus inherited most of the former Khazar lands in the late 10th century and early 11th century. One of the most devastating defeats came in 965, when Rus Prince Svyatoslav conquered the Khazar fortress of Sarkel. It is believed that he conquered Itil two years later, after which he campaigned in the Balkans. Despite the loss of their nation, the Khazar people did not disappear. Some of them migrated westward into Hungary, Romania, and Poland, mixing with other Jewish communities.2
- <end insert>
- Note the comment in the insert about 'the Balkans' and maybe you will better understand the clash between the Zionist West and Russia over the Balkans. As stated in a recent essay, the Serbians are related to the Russians.
- Both the Russians and remaining Khazars had to flee for their lives when the Mongol hordes took over most of Asia under the leadership of Genghis Khan, 1161-1227. Many of these Khazar Jews had no choice but flee with the Russians northeast, and have been a murderous pain in the ass to Russia for much of its history since.
- These were the "Jews" that came into power in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution, and Lenin needed their help to topple Tsar Nicholas, the last remnant of the Romanov dynasty. They helped overthrow Tsar Nicholas because he was not friendly to the Khazar Jews. These were the Zionist Jews who set about forcing communism on Christian Russia and murdered 30-40 million Russians who refused to give up their land or bow down to Bolshevik-Zionism-Khazarian- Communism.
- These were the same Khazar Jews - later called the Trotskyites after exiled Leon Trotsky - who fled for their lives when Stalin came to power and tore that evil out of the heart of Russia to a large extent. Many of them fled to Germany, and UK and the US to seek safety. They are now the Zionist Jews who are causing the most problems in this world.
- These are the same people who have pushed all the "hate Russia" crap in the media and in US foreign policy to the point of ad nauseum even after the Cold War ended.
- It was this group of Khazar Jews that aided and abetted the formation of Nazism as an ideological counter to what they viewed as 'un-pure communism' under Stalin. Communism is communism, their real axe to grind was Stalin sent them fleeing and had many of them put to death or sent to the gulags of Siberia for orchestrating the slaughter of tens of millions of predominately Russian Orthodox Christians. Stalin was also most displeased that the Trotskyites helped to form Nazism in Germany. That wound up getting another 20 million Russians killed in World War II.
- Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was born in Georgia, not Russia proper.
- The US Neocons, and those of the UK and Israel, are to a large extent Trotskyites, Zionist Jew or Christian Zionist Sheeple who do not know enough about history and the legacy these Khazarian Jews have left in their path. There are huge differences in the Biblical 12 Tribes and these Khazars who have embedded themselves into Judaism like a tick on a hound dog.
- They have been so despicably murderous to Russians that a special word just for them was created: zhids.
- Did they change when they fled Russia? Not a chance. These people have always had visions of rebuilding the grandeur of their Khazar Empire for over 1,000 years. It is this group of Jewish squatters who pushed the hardest, and in the most evil and deceitful ways, to get the UN, US and UK to establish Israel in 1948.
- Most of us Baby Boomers, now age 50-65, have now witnessed 60 years of atrocities by 'poor little Israel' and these Zionist Khazar thugs but that was preceded by the colossal atrocities of killing about 50 million Russians, another 49-55 million killed in World War II, and the list goes on and on.
- Their latest escapade to put on that list is South Ossetia.
- These were part of the Turkic Jews, also known later as Crypto Jews who perpetrated the genocide of 1.2 to 1.5 million Armenian Christians in the early 1900s. The Rothschild and Rockefellers wanted the Armenians out of the way so they could get large amounts of oil from Azerbaijan through Armenia to the Black Sea. Such was the legacy of the Ottoman Empire.
- If you want to get a history lesson as to why Ukraine was almost always a sub-district of Russia, check into the Battle of Izmail, named for the Ottoman fort that was conquered by who may be the greatest of all Russian czars, the German-born Catherine the Great.

- The Russians have had to defend Russia against the machinations of these Fake Jews for 1,000 years. They just did so again in South Ossetia.
- Even the famous "Steps of Potemkin" in Odessa, Ukraine (very close to Izmail, Ukraine) are in honor of a paramour of Catherine the Great and his contribution in defending Ukraine and Russia from the Ottoman-Khazarian hordes that were trying to take over Europe and Russia.
- Folks, please get this straight in your head. These Khazar Jews constitute nothing but psychopathic, warmongering, blood-thirsty evil on feet. They now control the power structure of the US and UK.
- Get that?
- Part of their deep-seated hatred for Russia goes back 1,000 years when Russia upended their empire and sent them packing. Then Genghis Khan sent many of them and the Russians fleeing when the Mongols arrived in town. Many of the Khazars fled to Turkey and were intimately involved in the formation of the Ottoman Empire, the attempted conquer of Europe, and repeated attacks across the Black Sea at Mother Russia. This was yet another 'hate Russia' routine from these cretins.
- Chechnya, Russia is just on the other side of those Caucasus Mountains and was part of the Khazaria Empire until Russia crushed it. Russia knows all too well - and remembers all too well - who was behind the Chechnya War that they had to fight twice within the past 20 years.
- Ingushetia, Russia is just on the other side of those Caucasus Mountains and was part of the Khazaria Empire until Russia crushed it. If you missed my recent essays on the problems 'poor little Georgia' and how the US and Israel are trying to stir up in Ingushetia, these two links clarify what is going on and being orchestrated out of Georgia, Washington, DC and Tel Aviv.
- http://www.rense.com/general83/stupid.htm
- http://www.rense.com/general83/ism.htm
- Dagestan also used to be part of the Khazaria Empire, and the US has waged covert ops to try to take that area over so they can build a pipeline from Kazakhstan to Georgia to the Black Sea.
- http://www.rense.com/general82/opd.htm
- These people have plotted and schemed for 1,000 years to get their Khazarian Empire back, and now that the entire world knows that the historical area of Khazaria is sitting on a mother lode of oil and natural gas, they *really* want it back. They salivate like Pavlovian Dogs and have wet dreams of dollars and shekels about all that oil and natural gas in what used to be their Khazarian Empire, long since dead and gone except in their delusional minds.
- Many of the DNC Zionist Communists who defected to the RNC in 1996, are Russia-hating, Zionist Khazarian Jews. They have now defected back over to the DNC and backing Obama...the sock puppet of the pathological Russia-hating Zbigniew Brzezinsky and George Soros.
- Many of the Zionist Jews in power in Israel, the UK and US cannot trace their roots back to the 12 Tribes. Many of the dual citizen, wanted criminals Israel is harboring are Khazarian Jews, not descendants of the 12 Tribes. Many of them are from Russia after Genghis Khan sent both Russian and Khazarians fleeing.
- We just witnessed Georgia attacking Russian Orthodox Christians in South Ossetia, aided and abetted by the US, Israel and Ukraine.
- North Ossetia used to be part of the Khazarian Empire and the North and South Ossetians are ethnically the same people.
- There are growing border problems between Ukraine and Russia, both areas formerly part of the Khazarian Empire. Ukraine had the audacity to inform Russia it could no longer park its Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol, Ukraine. The Kiev government is firmly under the control of Zionist Jews, as is the Tbilisi, Georgia regime.
- In both Georgia and Ukraine, the dirty hands of George Soros can be found because he has been pushing for 'White Stream 1 and 2' pipelines from Georgia to Ukraine as a supply link to the EU to lessen the growing energy might of Russia. George Soros is Hungarian by birth, probably of Khazarian Jew origin.
- This entire area that used to be Khazaria is loaded with oil and natural gas and these Khazarian Jews have had an axe to grind with Russia for over 1,000 years.
- Getting the picture, folks?
- Can these Zionist Khazarian Jews do it alone? NO! They absolutely have to have the muscle of the United States to pursue these stupid, petty, long-since-dead illusions of grandeur and empire.
- Karl
- Addendum
- Jeff Rense received a telephone message and asked that I clarify something. This is the gist of the call he received...
- A very polite man somehow got his private number and left a message stating that his relatives are of Khazarian ancestry and he feels the article casts all Khazarian Jews as evil - which, of course, is not the case. I urge him to reread the article less emotionally and he'll see that the point of it is that Khazars are at the core of Western Zionism. He was very perplexed and said he found the article to be full of 'hate' and that all Jews of Khazar background are lumped together.
- If one reads the essay carefully and honestly, one cannot possibly miss the fact that the term 'Zionist' is used to clearly, and unequivocally, qualify the ZIONIST Khazar issue from beginning to end. Obviously, patently, not all Khazarian Jews are 'bad' or part of the problem. There is good and bad everywhere: all nations, all races, all religions. There are good and bad Americans, Russians, Christians, Catholics, Jews, Khazarian Jews, Whites, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, you name it.
- It is important to always remember the following when reading my materials...
- 1. My focus is on the dark and deadly genocidal mindset of evil that plagues this dying planet. I am not firing at 'all' of any nation, or race, or religious caste. I have close friends from all groups, including Jews...both Khazarian and those of the 12 Tribes. All fully understand where I am coming from and know when I speak or write, I am not aiming cruise missiles or arrows at them. They know my entire crusade in life is to expose evil...in whatever flavor you find it.
- 2. Evidently, this caller felt I was condemning 'all Khazarian Jews' but that is certainly not the case. I only criticize those who have evil in their hearts to the point they have no goodwill towards their fellow man. I loathe and detest evil...and that is my God-given right. Yours, too.
- 3. This world has many problems and none of them are worth fighting, killing and dying over. Most of our problems arise from greed-driven, criminal, psychopathic, genocidal evil.
- Maybe since he is Kharzian Jew, he could join this fight with his knowledge and insights about the inner workings of Zionism which is THE problem in the Western world - regardless of whether one speaks of 12 Tribe Zionist , Khazarian Zionist, or a Christian Zionist (the most numerous of all Zionists...and the biggest dupes around).
- There are many wonderful people of the Jewish faith and heritage who are tired of being used and sacrificed by Zionism and they, like Jews Against Zionism, are doing everything possible to put a final stop to it and awaken people to the REAL problem.
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